The legend states: The one who finds all Five Lakes and bathes in each and every one of them will live forever.
The water in these lakes is rich in oxygen and contains natural silver. People call it Lively Water.
Five Lakes vodka is made at one and only location in Siberia, at Omskvinprom distillery.
Composition of Five Lakes includes water which feeds Taiga lakes. This water is not only unique, but also oxygenated and with silver content. People call it the ‘life-giving water’. In order to preserve its natural composition water undergoes mild purification. Precisely this mild water is mixed with the purest alcohol ‘Luxe’.
Five Lakes brand’s successful sales prove that millions of people all over the world have confidence in traditional vodka. It has no taste boosters or flavor enhancers: it’s a classic vodka.
For several years Five Lakes has been one of the leaders at country’s spirits market. At year-end 2012 Five Lakes is vodka №1 in Russia.