

ROSHEN Sweet mark of quality The worlds largest confectionery producer “ROSHEN” is presented in more than 30 countries around the world. The corporation “ROSHEN” was awarded the 27th place in rankings “Global Top-100 Candy Companies” and 15th place due to the production capacity and the physical quantity of the products in the world. The companys …

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Anthon Berg

Anthon Berg You can never be too generous Anthon Berg is a Danish chocolatier . The company produces a diverse variety of chocolate products. Anthon Berg is known worldwide for its liquor-filled chocolates. By pairing the finest chocolate with high-quality, brand-name liqueurs, Anthon Berg has become world renowned as a purveyor of dessert liqueurs. As …

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Russkiy standart

Русский Стандарт Natural and Modern Clean and soft ice water Not far from St. Petersburg lies a unique Ladoga, the soft water of which is of glacier origin which is superbly suited to make vodka of the highest quality standards. Thanks to its crystalline granite base the water of Lake Ladoga is practically free from …

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Mark Sevouni

Mark Sevouni Urban chocolatier “Mark Sevouni” chocolates were created on the initiative of an Armenian entrepreneur residing in Europe. Having studied the Belgian, Swiss and French long-standing rich traditions of chocolate creation, he brought the idea of production to Armenia and realized it with his like-minders. Today, “Mark Sevouni” brand presents to the consumer a …

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Sorini Love is Chocolate The story of Sorini begins in Castelleone in 1915 thanks to the initiative of the pharmacist Dr. Fausto “Sorini”, who creates the “Rhubarb” candy to which the production of quince, fruit syrups and, later, of typically confectionery products such as candies, sugared almonds and jams; an initially artisanal production, which between …

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SIBERIAN EXPRESS Russian premium vodka Siberian Express is an opportunity to spend time on your own. By leaving hustle and bustle behind, you are getting closer to your inner self. Important thoughts emerge with the sound of wheels, brave decisions come with rugged sceneries that you see from the train’s window and warm-hearted talks begin …



DILMAH For Lovers Of Tea Dilmah is Sri Lanka՛s most recognized international brand of tea. The company was founded in 1974 by Merrill J Fernando. It is available in over 100 countries including Estonia, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Lithuania, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Canada, Chile, South Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, the United States and New …

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BALCONI BE TASTY: THAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING Company “Balconi” founded in 1953 in Italy by Michel Balconi was originally a small sweet shop then grew into a large factory. Products have very high quality. “Balconi” products don’t contain palm oil (a very important advantage in the confectionery industry), dyes, GMOs. “Balconi” carefully selects ingredients and …

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Francesco Illy

Francesco Illy The Art and Science of Espresso Francesco Illy in 1933 has created business on trade of cocoa and coffee, but, eventually, has focused only on coffee, and today the coffee brand “illy” is known all around the world. From the moment of founding and up till now the “ILLYCafe” company remains as a …

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Zelyenaya marka

Зеленая Марка Time passes… we remain ourselves The vodka “Зеленая Марка” has long been one of the most well-known in its category in both Russia and the rest of the world. It is made from Russian wheat alcohol and crystal clear water from an artesian well. PRODUCTS